
I did it. I quit my toxic job. I’m free.

I'm so happy. I work in an ER and things have been…turbulent. My boss is a micromanager, sexist man in the worst way. I got a new job today with much better hours, benefits, and a great work life balance. I start 8/12 and couldn't be happier. I'm going on vacation for a week starting today and will let my feelings from that place melt away. I always said I would give him a piece of my mind when I quit. I tried telling him today when I called but all I got was, “I'm sorry you feel that way”. So I wrote a letter. A very long letter. It details why I quit, why other people quit, and things that are a large issue such as breakdown of communication, ever changing policy, etc. That can be dangerous in my field. I just feel so, so good. It's nice to…

I'm so happy. I work in an ER and things have been…turbulent. My boss is a micromanager, sexist man in the worst way. I got a new job today with much better hours, benefits, and a great work life balance. I start 8/12 and couldn't be happier. I'm going on vacation for a week starting today and will let my feelings from that place melt away.

I always said I would give him a piece of my mind when I quit. I tried telling him today when I called but all I got was, “I'm sorry you feel that way”. So I wrote a letter. A very long letter. It details why I quit, why other people quit, and things that are a large issue such as breakdown of communication, ever changing policy, etc. That can be dangerous in my field.

I just feel so, so good. It's nice to get my feelings out on paper. I made it as professional and concise as I could. I can leave this place now without any regrets other than I didn't get to say goodbye to some people I really enjoyed working with.

Adios (specific) ER. May I never see you again.

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