
sick of this shit

I used to have such a strong work ethic and would practically live for my job. I left that company for what I thought was a better one but ended up getting fired for no good reason 2 weeks in. Been bouncing around dead end jobs since and Ive given up. I have no drive anymore. I enjoy being at home and that's all I look forward to. What's the point? Why burn myself out for shit pay and shit benefits? I'm on day 28 of eating ramen noodles alone just so that I could pay my rent and feed my dog. Everyone I know thinks I'm just being lazy but for fucksake I'm TIRED. I DONT WANT TO SLAVE FOR SOME SHIT JOB THAT MAKES ME WANT TO DIE

I used to have such a strong work ethic and would practically live for my job. I left that company for what I thought was a better one but ended up getting fired for no good reason 2 weeks in. Been bouncing around dead end jobs since and Ive given up. I have no drive anymore. I enjoy being at home and that's all I look forward to. What's the point? Why burn myself out for shit pay and shit benefits? I'm on day 28 of eating ramen noodles alone just so that I could pay my rent and feed my dog. Everyone I know thinks I'm just being lazy but for fucksake I'm TIRED. I DONT WANT TO SLAVE FOR SOME SHIT JOB THAT MAKES ME WANT TO DIE

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