
Even a child understands equal pay for equal work!

Today I overheard my 8 year old talking to my 6 year old about how people should be paid “fairly and equally” otherwise the bosses can do all the work themselves. I’m thinking he probably overheard my husband and I discussing these topics but it gave me a proud parent moment. Like yes kid, preach it! (Also idk why my first post was considered off topic?! Why wouldn’t we want our children to understand their worth in the world?)

Today I overheard my 8 year old talking to my 6 year old about how people should be paid “fairly and equally” otherwise the bosses can do all the work themselves. I’m thinking he probably overheard my husband and I discussing these topics but it gave me a proud parent moment. Like yes kid, preach it!

(Also idk why my first post was considered off topic?! Why wouldn’t we want our children to understand their worth in the world?)

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