
Stopped by my old job to see how my coworkers were doing and I found the location had permanently closed

I worked an electronics job for a few months last year, but I left once we started getting official instructions that just overall didn't sit well with me. Essentially the company was clearly prioritizing profit margins over treating customers decently, and I didn't want to have to deal with that even though I loved the work I was doing. ​ Today, I was near the area while picking some things up so I decided to stop by and see if any of my coworkers were still there and just how it was overall. I arrived to an empty, locked store with a sign that said something along the lines of “Permanently closed as of July 2022 – Please refer to our other location”. I went to the other location to ask what had happened, and they told me that the company had closed two locations for not meeting the sales…

I worked an electronics job for a few months last year, but I left once we started getting official instructions that just overall didn't sit well with me. Essentially the company was clearly prioritizing profit margins over treating customers decently, and I didn't want to have to deal with that even though I loved the work I was doing.

Today, I was near the area while picking some things up so I decided to stop by and see if any of my coworkers were still there and just how it was overall. I arrived to an empty, locked store with a sign that said something along the lines of “Permanently closed as of July 2022 – Please refer to our other location”. I went to the other location to ask what had happened, and they told me that the company had closed two locations for not meeting the sales quotas that higher ups wanted (despite being comfortably profitable stores). Even more sour is the fact that this is a three store region, and now two of those have been axed.

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