
Tracking hours

Recently I started training another employee and gave him one simple piece of advice. Without going into a ton of detail about the line of work other than to say I work in the medical field, many in our office are hourly. We are some of the few that are salary. I told him, track your hours. Know what you are putting in when it comes time for annual reviews so that if someone tells you you aren’t pulling your weight or doing enough, you can tell them exactly what you’ve been working. Apparently he told our manager and she told him that no, hours don’t need to be tracked and shouldn’t be tracked. You’re salaried for a reason. My satisfaction with work has been downhill ever since. I’ve also never felt more burnt out.

Recently I started training another employee and gave him one simple piece of advice. Without going into a ton of detail about the line of work other than to say I work in the medical field, many in our office are hourly. We are some of the few that are salary. I told him, track your hours. Know what you are putting in when it comes time for annual reviews so that if someone tells you you aren’t pulling your weight or doing enough, you can tell them exactly what you’ve been working.

Apparently he told our manager and she told him that no, hours don’t need to be tracked and shouldn’t be tracked. You’re salaried for a reason. My satisfaction with work has been downhill ever since. I’ve also never felt more burnt out.

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