
The harsh reality of a college student transitioning to being an actual, full-time working adult …

Hi! I am 22(F), I graduated in May this year from nursing school, took my boards exam (NCLEX) in june, and got employed to the unit of my choice in August. I am barely on my second week of work but I had a realization that this is adulthood, and I have to work 40 hours a week for the rest of my life until retirement. Just thinking about it existentially makes my stomach hurt. My work is not bad or difficult at all, in fact, many people would say I got lucky to work in the department im in, but working 40 hours a week is so tiring and exhausting. As it is, I struggle so much to socialize and go out with my friends and family due to mental exhaustion from my own mental health problems. At this rate, I might end up never going out and doing…

Hi! I am 22(F), I graduated in May this year from nursing school, took my boards exam (NCLEX) in june, and got employed to the unit of my choice in August. I am barely on my second week of work but I had a realization that this is adulthood, and I have to work 40 hours a week for the rest of my life until retirement. Just thinking about it existentially makes my stomach hurt. My work is not bad or difficult at all, in fact, many people would say I got lucky to work in the department im in, but working 40 hours a week is so tiring and exhausting. As it is, I struggle so much to socialize and go out with my friends and family due to mental exhaustion from my own mental health problems. At this rate, I might end up never going out and doing things for myself bc of work. I feel like I dont have energy for anything and my life will just be consumed with work. And Im feeling this way on my second week?! For context, I have diagnosed depression and anxiety, so Im not sure if my mental health is affecting my energy levels. I just feel discouraged at the moment that this is my reality.

Words of encouragement would grately be appreciated , and similar experiences you guys have had, or maybe ways i can improve my quality of life. anyways the concept of working is horrible and i wish i could live peacefully in a cloud with no responsibilities.

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