
My boss told me to plan ahead if I’m ever going to call out

This was soooo many years ago. I used to work at a franchise grocery store as a cashier. I was getting ready for work when I realized I had gotten my period. No biggie, except that when I was in the shower, no joke, as soon as the water hit me, I had tunnel vision and passed out. I woke up just moments later and I was in IMMENSE pain. The worst kind of cramps I had ever gotten. I was quite literally crawling out of the bathroom, still wet and just in a towel. My first thought was, “I have to call in”, so I did. My male manager answered and I told him, “hey Phil, I’m really sorry for the inconvenience but I’m barely able to move at all and I’m in so much pain from my cramps. I’m not going to make it at all today.” “Well……

This was soooo many years ago. I used to work at a franchise grocery store as a cashier. I was getting ready for work when I realized I had gotten my period. No biggie, except that when I was in the shower, no joke, as soon as the water hit me, I had tunnel vision and passed out. I woke up just moments later and I was in IMMENSE pain. The worst kind of cramps I had ever gotten. I was quite literally crawling out of the bathroom, still wet and just in a towel. My first thought was, “I have to call in”, so I did. My male manager answered and I told him, “hey Phil, I’m really sorry for the inconvenience but I’m barely able to move at all and I’m in so much pain from my cramps. I’m not going to make it at all today.”

“Well… you have to find someone to cover for you?”

“I don’t know how I’m gonna do that, I don’t even know who isn’t scheduled right now.”

“Look, you have to plan ahead for these things, it’s not my job to find coverage for you just because you’re on the time of the month.”

“I have to plan on falling ill and being in a lot of pain?”

“Whatever, here’s (other manager)”

She was more than gracious than Phil and told me to feel better and personally text her if I need anything. Phil on the other hand still asked me to bring a doctor’s note or I can’t go back to work. But my other manager told me not to listen to him.

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