
“So what we all have families”

So today I go to drop off some paperwork to the owner of the company I work at. About to walk out and he brings up one of my team members (I’m a “lead” with about 6 people who report to me) because I went to HR last week trying to get him a raise, he deserves it, my whole team does. Anyway,that turned into a conversation about another one of my team who got a raise last year on the condition he learns x, y, and z. He did, but I can’t take him away from where he is best so he seldom uses x, y , and z. The owner just doesn’t like him for whatever reason and he brought up how I need to remind the team we are working Black Friday and that Saturday (to which I tried to use last year as an example and…

So today I go to drop off some paperwork to the owner of the company I work at. About to walk out and he brings up one of my team members (I’m a “lead” with about 6 people who report to me) because I went to HR last week trying to get him a raise, he deserves it, my whole team does.

Anyway,that turned into a conversation about another one of my team who got a raise last year on the condition he learns x, y, and z. He did, but I can’t take him away from where he is best so he seldom uses x, y , and z. The owner just doesn’t like him for whatever reason and he brought up how I need to remind the team we are working Black Friday and that Saturday (to which I tried to use last year as an example and thought it be nice to give us all that weekend off because we can catch up on orders during the following week). HARD NO on that. Anyway my team member goes away that weekend for thanksgiving with his family it’s the only time he sees them all year and I have no problem with that. I explain that to the owner and get hit with

“we all have families, this is what they signed up for! It’s e commerce, that’s busy season if he wants to see his family this isn’t the job for him!”

So I said “well I’ll just fire him then” ( which I would never do I was calling his bluff)

“Well let’s not get ahead of ourselves but see if he can reconsider his thanksgiving plans”

Get fucked dude, I’m sending out applications now and will encourage my team to do the same.

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