
Help? My workplace is making me uncomfortable

Hello antiwork I’m an (18F) office admin at a all male workplace and have been working there for about a month. It’s a manufacturing plant with a sales team, I work in the office and work closely with the sales team and a few plant members. Thing 1: I’ve been harassed? a few times, guys making inappropriate comments, extreme flirting or purposely annoying/irritating me. They also completely ignore me, like will walk in and if my boss is busy they’ll just walk out. I could go one but you get the point. Thing 2: I got maybe 30 minutes of training from my supervisor and that been about it, he constantly walks way when I ask questions, or proclaims that he doesn’t have time for this. He constantly expects me to just know things or will chastise me for doing something wrong (mostly filing related.) I could go on but…

Hello antiwork

I’m an (18F) office admin at a all male workplace and have been working there for about a month. It’s a manufacturing plant with a sales team, I work in the office and work closely with the sales team and a few plant members.

Thing 1: I’ve been harassed? a few times, guys making inappropriate comments, extreme flirting or purposely annoying/irritating me. They also completely ignore me, like will walk in and if my boss is busy they’ll just walk out. I could go one but you get the point.

Thing 2: I got maybe 30 minutes of training from my supervisor and that been about it, he constantly walks way when I ask questions, or proclaims that he doesn’t have time for this. He constantly expects me to just know things or will chastise me for doing something wrong (mostly filing related.) I could go on but you get the point.

The issue: on Thursday of last week one guy from the plant threatened me in a “joking” tone, the following Friday he blew up on my boss, yelling, threatening violence the whole shebang, this scared me as I have ptsd but I kept it together and I couldn’t leave as it’s a communal space. He walked into the back and continued yelling, then after a bit came back and told my boss he was going home, then he started working again, and came into the office when I was alone, I made a face as I thought he’d gone home, he did the come at me stance and asked “what the duck do you want?” That scared me but I told him to not talk to me like that. He gets sent home and I inform my boss about the two previous incidents.

On Monday the plant guy come in and had a conversation with the managers and from what I overheard he talked a bit about me, this concerned me greatly as I am new and I do truly feel like he’d hit me. Anyway I asked my boss if we needed to talk after he said no, I asked the other plant manager he said yes. I spent my day anxious and trying not to cry or have a panic attack o not succeeded on the latter, I tried to get a meeting going but kept getting blow off. This is a very stressful situation for me and I don’t know what to do.

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