
Never thought I’d post here. Afraid to go to work. My ex-boss is stalking me.

This is a long story but here we go. Several months ago I was at work, I’m a professional florist. One of our regulars starts chatting to me and finds out that I have a bachelors in biology and that I really like writing on the side. He’s a weird guy with his social mannerisms but I passed it off because he’s older. He offers me a job as an editor for this newspaper in a specialized audience. I can do the work on top of my florist job. It seemed nice, worked perfectly with my skill sets and I didn’t have to give up my floral position since I really like it. I say sure why not it seems like a nice idea. Normally, I’m cautious so I wasn’t throwing everything in at once. I start doing some samples for him and he really enjoys my writing, but I…

This is a long story but here we go. Several months ago I was at work, I’m a professional florist. One of our regulars starts chatting to me and finds out that I have a bachelors in biology and that I really like writing on the side. He’s a weird guy with his social mannerisms but I passed it off because he’s older.

He offers me a job as an editor for this newspaper in a specialized audience. I can do the work on top of my florist job. It seemed nice, worked perfectly with my skill sets and I didn’t have to give up my floral position since I really like it. I say sure why not it seems like a nice idea.

Normally, I’m cautious so I wasn’t throwing everything in at once. I start doing some samples for him and he really enjoys my writing, but I just need to adapt my writing style from technical to more journalism. Ok fine, I adapted and learned how to reorganize my paragraphs.

I start noticing that he called my phone a lot, but never left a voicemail. I don’t really like phone calls because they make me anxious and normally my phone is silenced because I don’t like being distracted by it. So he calls and I don’t answer, but I’ll text him asking what he needs etc. This stuff continues with wishy washy replies and he’s terrible at communicating. My direct questions should be easy to answer with a yes or no question. I’d never get that.

I pass it off. I do some work for him, we meet a couple times and now my work is published. I’ve told him I don’t make nearly enough money and he’s promised under the table amounts. I don’t have a contract about my payment and honestly I didn’t care. When he doesn’t pay me I just stop doing the work.

Fast forward now. I keep getting more uneasy. He starts coming into the floral shop and asking my boss and my coworkers where I am. I’m not at work because my shift was over. He gets pissed off asking where I am. Why don’t they know where I am?? I get a text from my coworker who was at the shop telling me this was happening. I’m already freaked out. I’m with company at the time when I’m being told this. He calls me and I let my friends know I’ll take the call and be back. My alarm bells are making my stomach sick- so I answer the call!

Everything is fine from his tone. Nothing is wrong. Just wondering what I’m up to- can we meet sometime. Starts “love-bombing” my work. Complimenting so much that I feel uncomfortable with the praise. He shows up to the floral shop again. Talking to the boss. Talking to me if I’m there. I tell him to not show up there since it’s weird. He just brushes it off and tells me “Oh, (Floral Boss) said she’s fine with it.” Floral boss not so fine with it.

For a couple weeks everything was fine- I tell myself it’s not too bad. I’m ashamed to tell people and get help because I did this to myself and ignored my gut. He keeps showing up at my work. He keeps calling me. I do my work. However, I’m stressing out and feel like I’m going to get called out for not doing things right. Never has he said anything mean to me or that my stuff is bad, but my gut is telling me something’s wrong.

Today I’ve decided to quit. He wont accept anything other than I’ve got a better position elsewhere. He’s persistent. I email him telling him I just didn’t have the time the work deserves and I bit off more than I can chew and my domestic life is rough right now.

My phone starts ringing instantly. He starts texting me. I wouldn’t answer one call and he would immediately call again. He showed up at the floral shop today wondering where I was. Today is my day off. Then more phone calls.

I’ve told my floral boss everything and she said she’d help me in any way I need. She doesn’t like him and thinks he’s creepy. Bless my boss, she’s a wonderful woman. I go into work again on Wednesday but I’m afraid to. I work alone during the early hours of opening. I know he will come in to try and talk to me. I’m so anxious. I know my work will protect me but Im so uncertain.

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