
I found a job I actually like and I’m pretty sure I blew it.

I applied for a job in a new field a little while back, and I got past the recruiter stage of the process. Don’t ask me how I did it, but I got the dates wrong. I was supposed to interview with them last Tuesday, but I thought she listed this Tuesdays date. I’m kicking myself for not quadruple checking. I tried reaching out to the recruiter to explain, but I got nothing. She actually thought I was a different applicant at first, but when she realised which one I was she stopped talking to me (we have the same first name). It just sucks cause I’ve been job hunting for months now, and I was so excited about this job, but I fucked it up with my stupidity. Sorry for ranting about it on this form. This is really the only place I can talk about it. If I…

I applied for a job in a new field a little while back, and I got past the recruiter stage of the process. Don’t ask me how I did it, but I got the dates wrong. I was supposed to interview with them last Tuesday, but I thought she listed this Tuesdays date. I’m kicking myself for not quadruple checking.

I tried reaching out to the recruiter to explain, but I got nothing. She actually thought I was a different applicant at first, but when she realised which one I was she stopped talking to me (we have the same first name). It just sucks cause I’ve been job hunting for months now, and I was so excited about this job, but I fucked it up with my stupidity.

Sorry for ranting about it on this form. This is really the only place I can talk about it. If I talk to my parents about it they’ll get pissed because I’m currently living in their basement. Everyone else doesn’t really know a lot and I’m afraid I’ve exhausted my friends with the shitiness that is current job hunting.

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