
Why are companies even so obsessed with yearly record profits?

I’ve never understood this, If you’re company is doing billion dollars or million dollars in sales, and you as the CEO or somewhere near the top, already have your mega mansions, and yachts, why bother to continue nickel and diming everything about the company? You’ve won, you have your money now and properties and etc, all you have to do is just keep it going, why continue to raise prices, cut wages, cut staff etc, when anyone with common sense knows eventually you keep doing shit like that, it’ll backfire hard

I’ve never understood this,

If you’re company is doing billion dollars or million dollars in sales, and you as the CEO or somewhere near the top, already have your mega mansions, and yachts, why bother to continue nickel and diming everything about the company?

You’ve won, you have your money now and properties and etc, all you have to do is just keep it going, why continue to raise prices, cut wages, cut staff etc, when anyone with common sense knows eventually you keep doing shit like that, it’ll backfire hard

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