
My boss went to being the best I’ve ever worked for to the worst I’ve ever worked for.

Dudes , 11 months of work and minimal complaints to be had. Employer never cared if I was late ( within reason of course ) not that I was , could take lunches whenever for however long , if work was finished we could go home, etc…. Lots of great points people look for. Only thing was a month where I was asked to fill in for a co worker that had an emergency while still doing my job , wasn’t forced was told I’d be happy with my compensation. I wasn’t, like at all, But Cest la vie. This past month and a half has been like everything I’ve been reading on this sub has suddenly decided to no longer be content I read online but an actual life experience. It started of with a meeting about new expectations in the new office, some of the points : 1)…

Dudes , 11 months of work and minimal complaints to be had. Employer never cared if I was late ( within reason of course ) not that I was , could take lunches whenever for however long , if work was finished we could go home, etc…. Lots of great points people look for. Only thing was a month where I was asked to fill in for a co worker that had an emergency while still doing my job , wasn’t forced was told I’d be happy with my compensation. I wasn’t, like at all, But Cest la vie.

This past month and a half has been like everything I’ve been reading on this sub has suddenly decided to no longer be content I read online but an actual life experience. It started of with a meeting about new expectations in the new office, some of the points :

1) Attendance will now be strictly regulated with a finger print scanner.

2) Every single mistake will be documented and fined.

3) the walls of the new office will be made of glass so I can constantly monitor you.

4) you will now be working Sunday’s ????????? ( 5 day 10-> 6 to a 6 day 9->6 )

5) You will be expected to always have your work phone with you and respond within half an hour or else fine even in weekends

Every since then a coworker was given an ultimatum because he gave her new responsibilities that she was neither trained nor qualified for and made mistakes that cost him money. The ultimatum was either stay and work this month with a heavy fine nearly 70% of her salary ; or finish up your work day and peacefully quit with no repercussions. She quit ,guess what, her salary was still deducted now they’re trying to peacefully talk about it before bringing in lawyers. Ever since then her work and responsibilities has been jumping between coworkers as no one wants anything to do with it . Boss has been going crazy , micromanaging, constantly shouting at everyone , having anger spasms that fuck with our clients and in turn with our lively hood as a large portion of our income comes from bonuses. Anyways I could go on for hours .

What gives ?

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