
Last rehab I worked at kicked their feet at giving me the money I’m rightfully owed. All boils down to if I was wrong in my demands, they wouldn’t have paid me.

I am fuming right now at being called a liar and manipulative. They only wrote this letter to cover their own ass when they’re clearly lying and even contradicted themselves when talking about meal breaks. I had finally had enough and decided to stop letting corporations fuck us over, but it feels like a hollow victory when they attack my character like this. It was a couple emails back and forth prior to receiving my check. For the record, I never took a meal break, and I asked them to let me know immediately when my final paycheck was ready. I can’t believe how livid I am right now over this company trying to get the final word in edge wise and lying through their teeth. But you know what, I got paid, and they wouldn’t have paid me if they even believed they were in the right here. Working…

I am fuming right now at being called a liar and manipulative. They only wrote this letter to cover their own ass when they’re clearly lying and even contradicted themselves when talking about meal breaks. I had finally had enough and decided to stop letting corporations fuck us over, but it feels like a hollow victory when they attack my character like this. It was a couple emails back and forth prior to receiving my check. For the record, I never took a meal break, and I asked them to let me know immediately when my final paycheck was ready. I can’t believe how livid I am right now over this company trying to get the final word in edge wise and lying through their teeth. But you know what, I got paid, and they wouldn’t have paid me if they even believed they were in the right here. Working in a substance abuse field and then to be called this is insane to me. Using the word blackmail even acknowledges I’m right lol and that did something wrong that I capitalized on. They make more odd one client in one day then they even paid me for

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