
Got fired for a vacation…. I have reported half a year ago

About half a year ago I got a new job. It was ok, nothing fancy, but it was fair enough, in a fairly popular company. When I was starting out I told my soon to be manager that I was taking a week off in August, since I will be on the other side of the country. He was fine with it. No mention of it for months, I remind him when sending out my schedule request for August, that I will be gone. Insert Suprised Pikachu meme, he says you have to report it earlier. I did. You stupid fuck I did when you hired me. Its not my fault you didnt do anything with it. He told me that I can't take this time off and if I do, we will have to part ways. I said fine, I'll finish this week of work then and I'm going…

About half a year ago I got a new job. It was ok, nothing fancy, but it was fair enough, in a fairly popular company. When I was starting out I told my soon to be manager that I was taking a week off in August, since I will be on the other side of the country. He was fine with it. No mention of it for months, I remind him when sending out my schedule request for August, that I will be gone. Insert Suprised Pikachu meme, he says you have to report it earlier. I did. You stupid fuck I did when you hired me. Its not my fault you didnt do anything with it.
He told me that I can't take this time off and if I do, we will have to part ways. I said fine, I'll finish this week of work then and I'm going on my fucking vacation.
The man, the legend terminated me on the spot. Just like that.
Dont believe the friendly atmosphere and “we are a family” bullshit. You are a fucking cog to be replaced in the machine when you cause even the tiniest of issues

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