
i (f19) fucking walked out, i am so unbelievably mad at these people and it felt invigorating to walk out.

i’ve posted on here a handful of times about my “part time” job at belk, -if you have any questions about my schedule before this please revert to my profile- but this was THE tipping point for me. • this happened on saturday, i was working for the first time since sunday, and i’d been there for about an hour already. the ac was broken, and im almost six months pregnant now and dont handle the heat very well. there was a lady working in the kids section with me that i hadnt seen before, so i tried striking up conversation with her, “hi, i havent seen you here before, how long have you been here?” she replied saying about three weeks but she worked “full time”. • it was at this point one of my managers tried shooing me to do things and basically get away from her, which…

i’ve posted on here a handful of times about my “part time” job at belk, -if you have any questions about my schedule before this please revert to my profile- but this was THE tipping point for me.

this happened on saturday, i was working for the first time since sunday, and i’d been there for about an hour already. the ac was broken, and im almost six months pregnant now and dont handle the heat very well. there was a lady working in the kids section with me that i hadnt seen before, so i tried striking up conversation with her, “hi, i havent seen you here before, how long have you been here?” she replied saying about three weeks but she worked “full time”.

it was at this point one of my managers tried shooing me to do things and basically get away from her, which i thought was off because typically they dont mind if i strike up conversation with my coworkers. anyway, about fifteen minutes pass, im starting to sweat profusely and i can feel a hot flash coming on while im behind the counter, so i flag this lady down. “hey do you mind if i go sit? i feel like im about to pass out.” she said she didnt mind and i went to sit in the breakroom (which ended up being at least 5 degrees hotter than the rest of the building).

when i came back to the register, she was still there, so i tried talking to her again. “can i ask you a question? what are your hours like here?” she says “oh i get 29 a week, but thats only if you apply for full time. part time is just a filler position.”

im dumbfounded at this point. id been there since may. literally sobbed at these people begging for more hours, and they told me that they WOULD get better when i wasnt deemed “new” anymore. they didnt bother telling me that i was strictly a filler person, so ive been waiting for call ins and trying to find a different job to no avail. i explained that to this woman, and also explained that i have a child on the way, to which she recommended i find another job or two.

i have never been so angry in my life. i walked through the double doors in the back of the store, walked to my locker, grabbed my shit and left. i was blatantly lied to on more than one occasion about my position and what it really was, and while i apologize to the nice lady who was honest with me, fuck belk and fuck your overpriced clothes.

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