
Using the US system against itself?

So my question is simply this, can anyone think of a way we could use this system which is heavily stacked in favor of the rich especially here in the US against itself? Now I have an idea myself though I must confess I have no idea if it's even remotely feasible. My idea is simply finding out whether or not it is possible to bring a class action lawsuit against the federal government for violating the 8th amendment in regards to cruel and unusual punishment. My arguement would be something along the lines of stating that through it's implementation of certain policies such as declaring corporations to be people, as well as allowing for allowing loopholes in tax law that only the rich can take advantage of it has in effect “punished” those who cannot afford to take advantage of the system. Now I understand that usually the 8th…

So my question is simply this, can anyone think of a way we could use this system which is heavily stacked in favor of the rich especially here in the US against itself? Now I have an idea myself though I must confess I have no idea if it's even remotely feasible. My idea is simply finding out whether or not it is possible to bring a class action lawsuit against the federal government for violating the 8th amendment in regards to cruel and unusual punishment. My arguement would be something along the lines of stating that through it's implementation of certain policies such as declaring corporations to be people, as well as allowing for allowing loopholes in tax law that only the rich can take advantage of it has in effect “punished” those who cannot afford to take advantage of the system. Now I understand that usually the 8th amendment applies to trials and punishments declared based on verdicts declared in said trials but I guess I'm hoping that the 8th amendment could be extended to damages done to people via greedy and/or reckless policy making.

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