
The biggest CYA advice I can give.

When you start a new job, create a Gmail or another non-work email. That way you can BCC that email with everything you send out. I also forward everything I receive as well that might be useful. This is also a great place to send screenshots of texts from work as well as proof of conversations. You can never CYA yourself enough. It can be used to defend yourself should you be fired, as well as proof of conversations that can help prevent write up and counseling.

When you start a new job, create a Gmail or another non-work email. That way you can BCC that email with everything you send out. I also forward everything I receive as well that might be useful. This is also a great place to send screenshots of texts from work as well as proof of conversations. You can never CYA yourself enough. It can be used to defend yourself should you be fired, as well as proof of conversations that can help prevent write up and counseling.

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