
Sick of a system that exploits young professionals

In my country if you want to be a lawyer you need to study a degree that takes a minimum of 4 years before being allowed to be an intern for 2 years. During the internship, you do full lawyer work (and everything else) but get paid what translates to $300 a month. In the internship stage, you are required to take a 2 month course which costs around $360 at night, or you can cut down the internship to 1 year if you take a 4 month course at night for around $1080, which you probably can't afford, and even if you can most companies sign you to do the full 2 years regardless. I searched for 6 months for an internship, going to several interviews and having the people tell me that my salary expectations are too high (when they ask what my salary expectations are and I…

In my country if you want to be a lawyer you need to study a degree that takes a minimum of 4 years before being allowed to be an intern for 2 years. During the internship, you do full lawyer work (and everything else) but get paid what translates to $300 a month. In the internship stage, you are required to take a 2 month course which costs around $360 at night, or you can cut down the internship to 1 year if you take a 4 month course at night for around $1080, which you probably can't afford, and even if you can most companies sign you to do the full 2 years regardless. I searched for 6 months for an internship, going to several interviews and having the people tell me that my salary expectations are too high (when they ask what my salary expectations are and I say the standard $300) or that I am overqualified (I have a few months work experience at a firm during university), or just not getting the job because the market is overflowing with candidates. Now I work somewhere where I am expected to solve systemic problems that my boss can't, treated like an idiot or lazy when I can't do the impossible, and just hate waking up in the mornings knowing what lies ahead. And I have a wife and a baby, who I can't support with the fucking $300 and she's struggling to find a job now too. Both of our parents are helping us with money(and guilt tripping the hell out of us while also making us feel like we're failures) just to be able to pay our bills, and it all just makes me so fucking mad.

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