
Manager skipped farewell lunch to go to the gym

This didn't happen to me, but to someone on our team. I work in Customer Success, and we had a fairly junior member of our team who didn't go on the phone with customers, but still did killer work updating our training videos (doing all the voice over and edits herself) and also going into the wiki and flagging old articles for the more senior staff to update. All of this was done under the supervision of my boss, and she worked closely with him and there was lots of face to face time (so its not like he didn't know she existed). She was frequently in contact with the sales and developer team as a go-between and was pretty popular in the company, even ate lunch with some of the sales staff. Then you have the manager, who by all rights was a pretty good one. Stood up for…

This didn't happen to me, but to someone on our team.

I work in Customer Success, and we had a fairly junior member of our team who didn't go on the phone with customers, but still did killer work updating our training videos (doing all the voice over and edits herself) and also going into the wiki and flagging old articles for the more senior staff to update. All of this was done under the supervision of my boss, and she worked closely with him and there was lots of face to face time (so its not like he didn't know she existed). She was frequently in contact with the sales and developer team as a go-between and was pretty popular in the company, even ate lunch with some of the sales staff.

Then you have the manager, who by all rights was a pretty good one. Stood up for the team whenever sales leadership and CS butted heads, sat down and coached staff instead of ordering them around like flunkies, and frequently treated people out for coffee and even started a “gym club” with a few other employees where they went to the gym during their lunch break and he would be their trainer. He's the one who hired this junior employee and they got on pretty well.

But then the girl resigned to go move to a different state, and on her last day a bunch of people from across the company got together to have her farewell lunch, and when we were all gathered waiting for our boss to go, he just sat there at his desk. The junior employee looked at them expectantly like, “are you coming?” and the other gym club members looked at their boss. They clearly wanted to go with us to lunch and were wondering wtf was going on, but my manager just grabbed his gym stuff, said “have fun” and went out the door. The gym posse didn't know what to do, so just apologized and followed our boss.

Not sure wtf was going on but the manager ever said bye to her that last day that I saw. The gym posse treated the girl out for coffee later that afternoon–without the manager.

Odd as fuck.

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