
Just quit my job for illegal practices

I've been working at a luxury salon for the last few months and some days were okay some days were not. Most days were stressful but I got a three day weekend so I decided it was worth it. Anyways it was a small business and they practiced you break it you buy it. Where I live this is illegal but many small businesses practice it that it's not worth fighting it unless it's over 100$. Later on we hire a 16 year old and I notice she's been doing ten hour shifts. I know minors aren't allowed to work over a certain amount of hours in a week (like 30 or something) so I out loud wonder if they're allowed to work over 8 hours in a day. I get told that it's “none of your business.” 🙂 Now I'm very annoyed and stressed since this job is unnecessarily…

I've been working at a luxury salon for the last few months and some days were okay some days were not. Most days were stressful but I got a three day weekend so I decided it was worth it. Anyways it was a small business and they practiced you break it you buy it. Where I live this is illegal but many small businesses practice it that it's not worth fighting it unless it's over 100$.

Later on we hire a 16 year old and I notice she's been doing ten hour shifts. I know minors aren't allowed to work over a certain amount of hours in a week (like 30 or something) so I out loud wonder if they're allowed to work over 8 hours in a day. I get told that it's “none of your business.” 🙂

Now I'm very annoyed and stressed since this job is unnecessarily stressful. It's a salon for people with too much retirement money not the queen.

They start teaching me reception and cash and here is where I learn the very big illegal thing they do. If you accidentally undercharge someone, you don't only pay the difference (also illegal) you have to pay the entire bill “to teach you a lesson.” This is a luxury salon where bills are easily over 300$. They could take 300$ off your paycheck because you accidentally charged then 290$. This is AFTER they got the 290 from the customer as well. They are literally profiting from it.

So I've quit, with no notice. I thought about reporting them but literally all the other employees know this is illegal and do not care. It would just be my word vs his since it didn't officially happen to me (I quit before it could). I'm just angry and want to rent.

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