
My teen’s experiences so far at their first job.

My teen who is now 15 got their first job this summer working in a local grocery store. For reference this is in Ontario, Canada. In the GTA specifically and is a part time position. Let me start by saying they really enjoy the job and love seeing the money going into the bank account. I’m really happy they’re enjoying it and putting in a serious effort. But my god…employers can be such assholes. The store is understaffed. They treat employees like crap and are still of the older mentality that they are the lords who are giving employment and you’re just lucky to get a job. Some of the crappy things they do are: 1) employees are told to clock out at the end of their shift despite having to stay an extra 15-20 minutes to clean up. 2) don’t allow part timers to book days off the schedule…

My teen who is now 15 got their first job this summer working in a local grocery store. For reference this is in Ontario, Canada. In the GTA specifically and is a part time position.

Let me start by saying they really enjoy the job and love seeing the money going into the bank account. I’m really happy they’re enjoying it and putting in a serious effort. But my god…employers can be such assholes.

The store is understaffed. They treat employees like crap and are still of the older mentality that they are the lords who are giving employment and you’re just lucky to get a job. Some of the crappy things they do are:

1) employees are told to clock out at the end of their shift despite having to stay an extra 15-20 minutes to clean up.
2) don’t allow part timers to book days off the schedule ahead of time (like if they’re going to be away
3) don’t allow employees to switch shifts.
4) several are openly racist and one of the senior employees there (who’s often trains the new employees) is openly racist. Asked my kid if they were Jewish because she doesn’t like Jews and doesn’t want to train them.
5) breaks are rarely taken since they’re so busy.

I’m trying to balance this with my kid’s enjoyment of their first job but man oh man! I’m constantly reminding my kids of labour laws and even walked through some ESA points from the Ministry of Labour.

No wonder people are tired of being treated like shit.

I’m sorry this is more of me venting and ranting. Was just hoping to hear some thoughts from the rest of you guys.

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