
Advice on leveraging a new opportunity with your current job.

Hello All! I work for a large tech company and have been working a large amount of hours (paid in overtime) for a good number of years. They recently decided to downgrade my hours asking (not forcing…yet) me to move to a more 40 hours a week work week to prevent “burnout”. The problem is I've been doing this for almost 9 years at about 52 hours per week. So their solution is to promote me. This is something I've avoided for years because the overtime hours made more sense monetarily than taking a salaried position. This company has been very good to me, and I'm not complaining about the job, just the underpayment. So I started looking a few months ago and after many initial interviews and then finally one that stuck I got an offer for a lot more than I'm making now. My need for advice is…

Hello All!
I work for a large tech company and have been working a large amount of hours (paid in overtime) for a good number of years. They recently decided to downgrade my hours asking (not forcing…yet) me to move to a more 40 hours a week work week to prevent “burnout”. The problem is I've been doing this for almost 9 years at about 52 hours per week.

So their solution is to promote me. This is something I've avoided for years because the overtime hours made more sense monetarily than taking a salaried position. This company has been very good to me, and I'm not complaining about the job, just the underpayment. So I started looking a few months ago and after many initial interviews and then finally one that stuck I got an offer for a lot more than I'm making now.

My need for advice is do I even ask my current company if they will match or do I just leave it and put in my 2 weeks? I've been here for almost 15 years and could use some advice moving forward. I appreciate anything and everything in regards to any advice or comments.

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