
Leading a quiet rebellion as a covering supervisor.

So, this is probably gonna be a divisive post and some of you will probably regard me as immature but here goes. I will be filling in as cover supervisor in a minimum wage job (even the supervisor is paid barely more than min wage). We have been recently given quite strict new orders (about people being on their phones and appearances). I have told my colleagues that I will not be enforcing any of these rules (I have told them to be discrete with their phones but that I will not be reporting them if I see them on these). I will be refusing to report any of my co-workers for other things, as a supervisor is supposed to do. I am quite well educated and have developed utter contempt for the management. My attitude is that if you pay people shit, then you can expect shit. Any advice…

So, this is probably gonna be a divisive post and some of you will probably regard me as immature but here goes.

I will be filling in as cover supervisor in a minimum wage job (even the supervisor is paid barely more than min wage).

We have been recently given quite strict new orders (about people being on their phones and appearances).

I have told my colleagues that I will not be enforcing any of these rules (I have told them to be discrete with their phones but that I will not be reporting them if I see them on these).

I will be refusing to report any of my co-workers for other things, as a supervisor is supposed to do.

I am quite well educated and have developed utter contempt for the management.

My attitude is that if you pay people shit, then you can expect shit.

Any advice would be good. You might see me as someone who is refusing to do their job, but I see it as refusing to snitch.

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