
There are worse things, sir.

I work in retail and like at many stores out there, I have to pitch a credit card. A gentleman comes up after hearing my spiel to the customer before and flat out says no before I can open my mouth. Then he goes on a long rant about how the ding on the credit score isn’t worth the benefits offered and it isn’t common for stores to offer credit cards and how it must be horrible to pitch the card. I look him in the eye and say “Sir there are worse parts of the job than asking someone if they would like a credit card.” I also explained many stores have a credit card (and a lot of employees are required to ask) and if a person shops at a certain store enough there are probably some perks that are worth that “credit ding.” I could be wrong,…

I work in retail and like at many stores out there, I have to pitch a credit card. A gentleman comes up after hearing my spiel to the customer before and flat out says no before I can open my mouth. Then he goes on a long rant about how the ding on the credit score isn’t worth the benefits offered and it isn’t common for stores to offer credit cards and how it must be horrible to pitch the card. I look him in the eye and say “Sir there are worse parts of the job than asking someone if they would like a credit card.” I also explained many stores have a credit card (and a lot of employees are required to ask) and if a person shops at a certain store enough there are probably some perks that are worth that “credit ding.” I could be wrong, but I doubt this customer has ever worked in retail/customer service. He seemed shocked that so many stores have a credit card of some kind.

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