
Quit no notice given, none deserved.

So I had worked for a caterer. I knew there were red flags. So I began to look for work. These people have been there for years. They were still getting the crap wage I was getting. It's okay not that great. He has staff that should be paid a lot more due to what they bring to the table. They are worth 22 plus an hour not 18. Then they were banking hours. So I asked one of the owners about the over time. We are supposed to give time and half. Nope she straight up give it as straight time. She blew off the idea of time and half. Serious red flag in my opinion. My money they are stealing my money here. Then we dropped a girl because she left early one day after 7 hours no break because she needed the break. He dropped he 2…

So I had worked for a caterer. I knew there were red flags. So I began to look for work. These people have been there for years. They were still getting the crap wage I was getting. It's okay not that great. He has staff that should be paid a lot more due to what they bring to the table. They are worth 22 plus an hour not 18.

Then they were banking hours. So I asked one of the owners about the over time. We are supposed to give time and half. Nope she straight up give it as straight time. She blew off the idea of time and half. Serious red flag in my opinion. My money they are stealing my money here.

Then we dropped a girl because she left early one day after 7 hours no break because she needed the break. He dropped he 2 weeks later with no notice. Then a dropped a driver because he got lost one day and waited a month to dump him no notice. He guy had us sign unenforceable letters we give a weeks notice to quit.

So then they reduced my hours from 40 to 25 a week like dude need to live, so I upped my time looking for work and found it it so I thought. Turned out it was a trail and the head chef who dies not speak French and broken English was going have a say in me being hired. She decided beforehand they would not be hired as she is like I do not understand you. Other red flags at that place included they did not allow any eating what so ever. Not even a bit of toast.

So bullet dodged there. Found a new place later in the week and boom hired and 2 bucks more an hour. So when I called about my check on Monday I got the boss. He was shocked as the chef did not tell him I quit all week. He was we are like family. I am in my head so like family, dump people over something that is normal to happen, cut my hours by nearly half, bank our hours. Then never give a raise. Sounds just like family to me.

When I quit theft was literally like you could have given 2 weeks. Like bud I GOTTA live. She was like you need take up the hours with the boss. So I am like see ya. I cannot live on 25 hours a week.I quit no notice given no crap given, and I had called the labour board. I can get them on the banked hours. Guess what they are going to investigate him, it will take 3 months but the deed is done. I know they will cost him a nice chunk of change.

Still waiting on my vacation and that will be in 2 weeks. Then whenever the government is done looking into him in 3 months I get that too.

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