
Quit my job after one shift

I recently got a job in an office, I started yesterday and it was just awful. I went in and the manager did not give me an induction and just put me on telephones all on my own and to deal with a busy switchboard with one phone call after another. In the interview I was told it would be minimal telephone work as I have no experience in telephones or an office environment after working in hospitality for most of my working life. She went through it only for about 10 minutes which imo is poor training for such a complex duty like talking on the phone to multiple customers about a company you are new in and know nothing about. She then left me on my own for the rest of the day dealing with customers over the phone and not having much of a clue on how…

I recently got a job in an office, I started yesterday and it was just awful. I went in and the manager did not give me an induction and just put me on telephones all on my own and to deal with a busy switchboard with one phone call after another. In the interview I was told it would be minimal telephone work as I have no experience in telephones or an office environment after working in hospitality for most of my working life. She went through it only for about 10 minutes which imo is poor training for such a complex duty like talking on the phone to multiple customers about a company you are new in and know nothing about. She then left me on my own for the rest of the day dealing with customers over the phone and not having much of a clue on how to work the phones or no idea how to direct the customers to the right person and so on. I was not shadowing anyone so I had no one to ask for help, my boss even left the building for half an hour so I couldn’t even ask her for help at one point. She then went to her separate office and left me at my desk alone dispute telling me in interviews we would be working closely together and as a team. None of the staff were welcoming or friendly and I was sat opposite this extremely misogynistic man which made me so angry.

Went on my lunch and didn’t return. I just knew in my gut that place was not right for me. Now back on the job search. This is depressing

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