
If you don’t want to be part of the matrix (like everyone else) you will be dehumanized and treated like garbage. Called a free loader. Someone who is lazy and doesn’t want to work.

Todays culture is fucked. People are all in their own personal hell trying grab others to suffer with them. I’m sick of everyone rubbing off all their negitive BS onto me and when I try and say “no” they start calling me names and gaslighting me. I feel like this pattern has been going on for me now over a decade after quitting my corporate job and telling everyone to fuck off. I used to be the shit. Good looking, athletic, class president, homecoming king, three sport all state athlete. Some could say I had it all. Funny when you realize none of that dumb shit matters and want to focus on yourself and people start treating you like a homeless alien for not meeting the norms of scociety. My whole point people are people. They use you if they can and if they can’t they talk shit about you…

Todays culture is fucked. People are all in their own personal hell trying grab others to suffer with them. I’m sick of everyone rubbing off all their negitive BS onto me and when I try and say “no” they start calling me names and gaslighting me. I feel like this pattern has been going on for me now over a decade after quitting my corporate job and telling everyone to fuck off.
I used to be the shit. Good looking, athletic, class president, homecoming king, three sport all state athlete. Some could say I had it all. Funny when you realize none of that dumb shit matters and want to focus on yourself and people start treating you like a homeless alien for not meeting the norms of scociety. My whole point people are people. They use you if they can and if they can’t they talk shit about you to elevate themselves. It’s a cut throat world. And people who “care” most time don’t care enough to help you when your down only when your up. Just a rant not sure if it belongs here.

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