
My husband just got fired from a job that was too good to be true

My husband (as the title says) just got fired. From a place that I honestly thought sounded too good to be true since his interview. High salary, possible ownership in the future, etc. He wanted to implement plans that actually HELPED the employees in this company (he was HR), like providing them with continuing education, higher bonuses, all that jazz. Well, apparently they’re a company that has a revolving door of HR directors. As soon as they start trying to help the employees, they get fired. He just reached out to previous HR people from this company, and the exact same thing happened to all of them. This is completely fucked up. This is why it seems not worth it to put your all into a position, when it’s clear that anything to improve things for all employees results in termination. The unemployment system is a joke, and he’s a…

My husband (as the title says) just got fired. From a place that I honestly thought sounded too good to be true since his interview. High salary, possible ownership in the future, etc. He wanted to implement plans that actually HELPED the employees in this company (he was HR), like providing them with continuing education, higher bonuses, all that jazz.

Well, apparently they’re a company that has a revolving door of HR directors. As soon as they start trying to help the employees, they get fired. He just reached out to previous HR people from this company, and the exact same thing happened to all of them.

This is completely fucked up. This is why it seems not worth it to put your all into a position, when it’s clear that anything to improve things for all employees results in termination. The unemployment system is a joke, and he’s a damn mess.

Fuck this, fuck working for corporate overlords, fuck all of it.

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