
Wait, what? Has anyone else seen something like this?

I work for a company which posted an opening in a more senior role to what I currently do. Seemed like a no-brainer to apply for the promotion as I meet all the criteria and would really like to advance my career to that level. My direct boss agrees, I apply, we setup interviews with all involved. I ace the interviews, have all the qualifications, experience and team knowledge they need. Everything goes great. They even gave me the job offer. For a 5k/year raise above my current pay… Mind you, this is a major career jump, with plenty of new responsibilities and management work. The online reports on, indeed, dice, glassdoor, etc all say it should be paying WAY more than what they offered. I attempted to negotiate something more reasonable and in-line with what this role demands. A fair ask for the role/offer, which would still bring…

I work for a company which posted an opening in a more senior role to what I currently do. Seemed like a no-brainer to apply for the promotion as I meet all the criteria and would really like to advance my career to that level. My direct boss agrees, I apply, we setup interviews with all involved.

I ace the interviews, have all the qualifications, experience and team knowledge they need. Everything goes great. They even gave me the job offer. For a 5k/year raise above my current pay…

Mind you, this is a major career jump, with plenty of new responsibilities and management work. The online reports on, indeed, dice, glassdoor, etc all say it should be paying WAY more than what they offered. I attempted to negotiate something more reasonable and in-line with what this role demands. A fair ask for the role/offer, which would still bring it significantly lower than average for this role in this area.

They responded. By rescinding the job offer. It was posted in December of '21, and is still open now in August of '22 because nobody wants to do it for the salary they are offering. Absolutely wild. I even agreed to accept it for the low rate they initially offered just to get the experience and resume building. They didn't want someone who felt like they were being underpaid.

Well, news to them, the moment they rescinded that job offer I updated my resume anyway. And posted it on several job boards. I'll be the 3rd employee they have lost this month and I think I know why. I don't think they understand just how much they are underpaying people–and that they are the cause of these openings. Oh well, maybe they will catch on.

Has anyone else seen a promotion rescinded like this, am I the only one who thinks this is insane and just overall poor employee treatment? I wonder if I am being too harsh and jumping ship over something so minor.

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