
Job duties vs. the actual purpose of a job

Lets take a quick look on job duties vs. actual purpose of a job. Take a chain department store salesperson. The person is essentially hired to sell products. The more he sells the more profit the company makes. But instead of having time to be at the disposal of customers in the store, his work of helping the customers and selling them products is constantly interupted by other duties which reduce the time he has for the clients in the store. He has to take care of cashier’s duties. He has to update price tags. He has to clean the store. He has to make inventory of products. He has to take care of online orders. If higher ups come to the store he has to make the store look good on the outside, never mind the actual sales. It strikes me that one worker has some many duties which…

Lets take a quick look on job duties vs. actual purpose of a job. Take a chain department store salesperson. The person is essentially hired to sell products. The more he sells the more profit the company makes. But instead of having time to be at the disposal of customers in the store, his work of helping the customers and selling them products is constantly interupted by other duties which reduce the time he has for the clients in the store. He has to take care of cashier’s duties. He has to update price tags. He has to clean the store. He has to make inventory of products. He has to take care of online orders. If higher ups come to the store he has to make the store look good on the outside, never mind the actual sales. It strikes me that one worker has some many duties which are not helping at all selling the products on the shelves. I could be a great salesperson, but only if my only duty is to sell products, not million other things at the same time.

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