
Individualism has failed

After growing up in America my whole life, and studying the ways in which other societies/previous societies were run it’s become incredibly clear that the entire notion of western individualism has failed. Eastern Societies and even Previous western societies were all built upon a similar premise of “Common Good”. Rome had public works created directly by the elites of the society for the usage of everyone, Islamic Medina and the following Rashidun Caliphate implemented laws surrounding profit, building opulence, and personal wealth. Every society was built with the idea that a societies strength came (in part) from the overall happiness of its citizens and their loyalty to the state in exchange for said benefits. That’s not to say that these societies were perfect but they had that level of understanding. Western Individualism has completely thrown away that navigating ideal; if you say to an American “Hey, maybe we should have…

After growing up in America my whole life, and studying the ways in which other societies/previous societies were run it’s become incredibly clear that the entire notion of western individualism has failed.

Eastern Societies and even Previous western societies were all built upon a similar premise of “Common Good”. Rome had public works created directly by the elites of the society for the usage of everyone, Islamic Medina and the following Rashidun Caliphate implemented laws surrounding profit, building opulence, and personal wealth. Every society was built with the idea that a societies strength came (in part) from the overall happiness of its citizens and their loyalty to the state in exchange for said benefits. That’s not to say that these societies were perfect but they had that level of understanding.

Western Individualism has completely thrown away that navigating ideal; if you say to an American

“Hey, maybe we should have our medicine work for everyone”

They’ll say

“why do I have to pay for someone else?”

The sentiment of community within our society has been completely destroyed; in other societies it was without question that the advancements of said society were to be utilized ON said society. Taxation itself as a concept was INVENTED to fund public works/goods in order to further the advancement of the society. The idea that Ayn Rand style individualism is “freedom” or “liberty” is absolute bullshit.

We need to embrace the tradition of community and try to seek active involvement within it. Individualism is a scam run by the ultra wealthy.

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