
New job after quitting: the risk was worth it

Thank you to this sub and everyone on it for their encouraging stories! My partner took a risky gambit by quitting his last job without having a safety net, and was really anxious, even resigned himself to the idea he would take a huge payout with his next job because he didn't have the “leverage” of a current position to bank on. He started reading news about hiring freezes & feeling really regretful about his decision, but when he started looking in earnest, he secured 5 interviews in a week and landed a great offer that was comparable in pay to his last position but seems to have a much healthier work/life balance & office culture. Even though it was scary & he was willing to sell himself short, I urged him to push through & it would work out (also got some great tips here, like just put the…

Thank you to this sub and everyone on it for their encouraging stories!

My partner took a risky gambit by quitting his last job without having a safety net, and was really anxious, even resigned himself to the idea he would take a huge payout with his next job because he didn't have the “leverage” of a current position to bank on.

He started reading news about hiring freezes & feeling really regretful about his decision, but when he started looking in earnest, he secured 5 interviews in a week and landed a great offer that was comparable in pay to his last position but seems to have a much healthier work/life balance & office culture.

Even though it was scary & he was willing to sell himself short, I urged him to push through & it would work out (also got some great tips here, like just put the years of employment, rather than month+year). Besides that, he took a month off to reset, enjoy his family, and really give serious thought to what he wanted from his next job instead of just the best pay he could get or the first opportunity that presented itself.

Bottom line: the sky is not falling, and your personal mental health is always more important than any job. Don't let a crappy job & your fears of uncertainty keep you from taking a risk at a new start.

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