
Christian capitalist are hypocrites

With all their hootin an hollering about how gays are going to hell, they conveniently forget the last 2 “Sins that cry to the heavens for Vengeance” these are worse than Mortal Sins. Third: Oppression of the poor, fatherless children & widows. They actively trample on the rights of these people, I dont need to bring up any examples because it happens in your face every day, on reddit and fuckbook and in the Senate. ” The fourth sin that crieth to God for vengeance is to keep back the wages of the hired servant of workman when he hath done his service or work.” These so called “followers of christ” would be the same ones Jesus would be cleansing his temple of, aka whipping the shit out of them and tossing over their money tables. I'm not a religious person and this isn't a call to Christianity but I think we…

With all their hootin an hollering about how gays are going to hell, they conveniently forget the last 2 “Sins that cry to the heavens for Vengeance” these are worse than Mortal Sins.

Third: Oppression of the poor, fatherless children & widows. They actively trample on the rights of these people, I dont need to bring up any examples because it happens in your face every day, on reddit and fuckbook and in the Senate.

” The fourth sin that crieth to God for vengeance is to keep back the wages of the hired servant of workman when he hath done his service or work.”

These so called “followers of christ” would be the same ones Jesus would be cleansing his temple of, aka whipping the shit out of them and tossing over their money tables. I'm not a religious person and this isn't a call to Christianity but I think we can learn a thing or two from this Jesus christ fellow and how he dealt with greedy pricks.

“It is said Zeal for your house shall consume me”

Why dont we become more Zealous as workers and create a United front to fight for Unions and workers rights ? Why are we not whipping Bankers & Politicians? OUR ONLY STRENGTH IS IN NUMBERS. BECOME ZEALOUS OR BECOME SUBSERVIENT.

As for you all you christocapitalist, I'll see you all in hell.

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