
Just really think about it for a minute…

Just think about how / why we have let this happen. We, as workers, are literally selling our lives to make someone else's dream of owning a company come true — and we're supposed to be grateful for that that opportunity? We're supposed to give up our own needs, wants, goals, and time on this earth, just to earn pennies on the dollar of what the big boss is making because of our work? These thoughts have been popping up while at my job recently and they ruin my mood every time. I can't help but think about how little all our labor being valued. A multi-billion dollar company paying its workers as little as they can get away with. The worst of it is that there are so many people who take it all so seriously. They think they're not just a number buried deep in the payroll system.…

Just think about how / why we have let this happen.

We, as workers, are literally selling our lives to make someone else's dream of owning a company come true — and we're supposed to be grateful for that that opportunity?

We're supposed to give up our own needs, wants, goals, and time on this earth, just to earn pennies on the dollar of what the big boss is making because of our work?

These thoughts have been popping up while at my job recently and they ruin my mood every time. I can't help but think about how little all our labor being valued.

A multi-billion dollar company paying its workers as little as they can get away with. The worst of it is that there are so many people who take it all so seriously. They think they're not just a number buried deep in the payroll system. They think that the company actually cares about them. They constantly, thanklessly stay late, come in early, pick up more days, etc. and I'm sure you can imagine how this reflects on the people who do understand where they really fall.

It's the same routine, day after day, making the rich richer, seeing photos of CEOs at parties and on vacations while we have to save up for necessities.

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but I just wanted to vent for a minute.

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