
Nobody wants to hire.

Just a rant because this is ridiculous. Long story ahead, but a friend of mine left the job I was at because he was screwed out of money somehow – I don't know the details, but it was bad enough for him to barely even return the uniforms, let alone give two weeks notice. I was working at the time that he did; the only person at the location at the time, and we got to talking. Apparently he had already been hired elsewhere for more money, I told him I'd considered working there and he said if I wanted to apply he'd look out for me and put in a good word. Cut to about a month ago when I ask for a raise from my boss's boss and am denied; all the usual bullshit reasons(“we can't afford it” “what's to stop other people from being jealous of your…

Just a rant because this is ridiculous. Long story ahead, but a friend of mine left the job I was at because he was screwed out of money somehow – I don't know the details, but it was bad enough for him to barely even return the uniforms, let alone give two weeks notice. I was working at the time that he did; the only person at the location at the time, and we got to talking. Apparently he had already been hired elsewhere for more money, I told him I'd considered working there and he said if I wanted to apply he'd look out for me and put in a good word.

Cut to about a month ago when I ask for a raise from my boss's boss and am denied; all the usual bullshit reasons(“we can't afford it” “what's to stop other people from being jealous of your raise?” “Not even our assistant managers make that much(I had asked for living wage, as determined by MIT in 2018)). I told him that was my two-weeks notice(the only reason I even gave them the two weeks was I respect the HELL out of my manager because he's a decent human being and it would only have made things worse for them). They ask me to go to the end of the month purely to make scheduling easier on my manager and I oblige. I put in my notice and start my application at the place my friend left to. I message my friend, he says he'll keep an eye out, great.

A week passes and I hear nothing. Not even confirmation that they got my application. I message my friend; “hey, have you heard anything?” Total radio silence. I still haven't heard from him to this day. So now I have to scramble to find another job.

Y'all, I have applied to every single business in this town at this point. I'm not undesirable; I've worked over 5 years in various customer service/retail positions(not even counting the work I did in elementary and high school), I'm young, I'm personable, and I'm always willing to help people, especially customers. I've sent applications online, and I even got desperate enough to go door-to-door to various businesses handing out my resume. Nothing. 80% of the places I apply don't even bother sending a message saying they GOT my application. And I've been doing this for a month.

I just got an email today from the place my friend works after a month of radio silence. They're closing the position. Not even hiring someone else. They've just decided they don't want to hire anyone even though they put out the position themselves.

The next time someone says “no one wants to work” I am going to strangle them. Nobody(at least in my town) wants to hire. And now because my friend ditched me I'm out of a job and likely will be for a long while.

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