
Not allowed to celebrate birthdays at work anymore

So I’ve been working at this cute little convenience store that does EXTREMELY well for about 3-4 months and of course there are a LOT of summer babies(myself included).Well today was my work bestie’s 24th birthday and as I was asking my coworker to pick up his cake while they were on break my boss overhears and absolutely LOSES it.She starts screaming loudly about how he doesn’t work hard enough to deserve a work celebration for his birthday and as a matter of fact none of us do.She’s screeching at me,telling me that no birthdays will ever be celebrated in store again,and to get back to work. By the time she storms back into her office I’m extremely pissed and ready to quit,not only because of how she verbally attacked me,but also because of how awful she made my friend feel,but I quickly realize our economy has turned to shit…

So I’ve been working at this cute little convenience store that does EXTREMELY well for about 3-4 months and of course there are a LOT of summer babies(myself included).Well today was my work bestie’s 24th birthday and as I was asking my coworker to pick up his cake while they were on break my boss overhears and absolutely LOSES it.She starts screaming loudly about how he doesn’t work hard enough to deserve a work celebration for his birthday and as a matter of fact none of us do.She’s screeching at me,telling me that no birthdays will ever be celebrated in store again,and to get back to work.

By the time she storms back into her office I’m extremely pissed and ready to quit,not only because of how she verbally attacked me,but also because of how awful she made my friend feel,but I quickly realize our economy has turned to shit and there’s not many jobs available with such good pay.So now I’m conflicted,trying to weigh the pros and cons of staying,one of the pros is that the pay is $15 an hour 6 days a week(I don’t work Saturday for religious reasons),but the biggest con is that my boss is a psychopath.I honestly don’t know what to do and am hoping you all have some advice for me.

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