
“They, *the owners*, were having to do all the work!”

Short story from the lunchroom at work that I figures you lot would get a kick out of: I have a coworker who went on a rant yesterday about the sweet, older couple who owned her favorite pizza place having to close their business. They couldn't “keep the help” which meant “they, the owners, were having to do all the work” (the absolute incredulity she said that with….). Anyway, the work got to be too much and too stressful for them, so they folded the shop. If only those darn greedy teenagers would have done for $60/day the work that was apparently so bad that the owners folded the business rather than do it….

Short story from the lunchroom at work that I figures you lot would get a kick out of:

I have a coworker who went on a rant yesterday about the sweet, older couple who owned her favorite pizza place having to close their business. They couldn't “keep the help” which meant “they, the owners, were having to do all the work” (the absolute incredulity she said that with….).

Anyway, the work got to be too much and too stressful for them, so they folded the shop. If only those darn greedy teenagers would have done for $60/day the work that was apparently so bad that the owners folded the business rather than do it….

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