
Saw a good manager get fired yesterday

It happened early in the morning. I’m so pissed. This was a great guy too, protected his workers. Had been there over 20 years. No one knows why but my estimation is it had to do with friction between him & the upper management that’s instituted a soulless new process dictated by the head office overseas. I’ve been here 15 years and have seen them toss out workers like it never meant a goddamn thing. I stay here for the medical. When I see new people being hired, it’s getting harder & harder to smile & not feel sympathy for them once they learn just how much this place sucks.

It happened early in the morning. I’m so pissed. This was a great guy too, protected his workers. Had been there over 20 years. No one knows why but my estimation is it had to do with friction between him & the upper management that’s instituted a soulless new process dictated by the head office overseas.

I’ve been here 15 years and have seen them toss out workers like it never meant a goddamn thing. I stay here for the medical.
When I see new people being hired, it’s getting harder & harder to smile & not feel sympathy for them once they learn just how much this place sucks.

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