
The worst attendance policy

I worked for a company awhile back that had the most ridiculous attendance policy. They had a points system. At 7 points you were fired, no exceptions. You would get a point and a half for being 1 minute late from break and two points for leaving early from your shift. People would just go home if they were late from break because what’s a half point? I saw the most hard working woman on my team get fired for getting in a car accident on the way to work and ending up in the ER with a concussion. She brought a note from the ER. Sorry. Fired. The worst was the payroll lady. Her husband won a cruise in some contest and wanted to take her. She was told she would be fired if she went. So she quit, went on the cruise and got a better job when…

I worked for a company awhile back that had the most ridiculous attendance policy. They had a points system. At 7 points you were fired, no exceptions. You would get a point and a half for being 1 minute late from break and two points for leaving early from your shift. People would just go home if they were late from break because what’s a half point? I saw the most hard working woman on my team get fired for getting in a car accident on the way to work and ending up in the ER with a concussion. She brought a note from the ER. Sorry. Fired. The worst was the payroll lady. Her husband won a cruise in some contest and wanted to take her. She was told she would be fired if she went. So she quit, went on the cruise and got a better job when she came back. She was also the only person at the company who knew how to work the payroll system so everybody’s checks were messed up for a month.

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