
Sucky Management

The last long term job I worked at I was a cook for a nursing home for almost 14 years. My issue and why I finally decided to leave was management was absolute shit. It was rare you got compliments or appreciation for anyone except for the inside circle twats. I swear they were all fucking each other on the side. I would love being told what to do by people who literally were just flat out full of shit. Just a toxic, non-challenging shit show. You always worked short and were expected to do all of the work without any assistance. One of my favorite things was, “If you needed help just ask.” Fucking adults talking to you this way like it's in a professional manner. Fucking blind lazy pieces of shit who in other words were telling us all to go fuck ourselves. On occasion my confidence has…

The last long term job I worked at I was a cook for a nursing home for almost 14 years. My issue and why I finally decided to leave was management was absolute shit. It was rare you got compliments or appreciation for anyone except for the inside circle twats. I swear they were all fucking each other on the side. I would love being told what to do by people who literally were just flat out full of shit. Just a toxic, non-challenging shit show. You always worked short and were expected to do all of the work without any assistance. One of my favorite things was, “If you needed help just ask.” Fucking adults talking to you this way like it's in a professional manner. Fucking blind lazy pieces of shit who in other words were telling us all to go fuck ourselves.

On occasion my confidence has been in the dumps. I am a strong willed person it was take some time and finding ways to rebuild my confidence. I know I will get there once again. I feel like the final straw was a year ago the company I worked for hired this 26 year old hypocrite. I have an issue with someone who is fake and lies to your face and expected to trust and respect her. Maybe I have a problem with authority I mean it's possible. Me and a group I work with would talk shit about this inner circle of friends all the time. It made working there easier but eventually I reached my breaking point. I literally got so pissed off that I put my notice in the middle of a shift. I gave other workers free food, took long breaks, I was late all the time. I am no better than any of my past coworkers. The future hasn't happened yet I can change bad traits. I know I will, it's not fair to my future employers. My advice is if you ever feel very depressed at a job. Don't stay, move on immediately. Find something new you'll Enjoy!

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