
We are bleeding workers and the top guy at the site is leaving it in God’s hands

In the past 8 months, we’ve lost numerous hard to replace workers. Quality managers, developers, technicians, and plant workers, to name a few. When a notice is put in, sometimes a counteroffer is made that is in the tens of thousands higher. Only once has that been successful. Today was the last day for someone who has been here a decade. There was a big farewell party that was extremely conspicuous, though he left for a while and didn’t seem to be moved. The person they are asking to replace him (for no extra money) threw a public fit. I give her a few weeks, tops. I decided back in June that I was done being underpaid. I signed a contract for 20% more money and 5 more vacation days. I want to drop the notice today but can’t, since the start date is so soon and I’m not done…

In the past 8 months, we’ve lost numerous hard to replace workers. Quality managers, developers, technicians, and plant workers, to name a few. When a notice is put in, sometimes a counteroffer is made that is in the tens of thousands higher. Only once has that been successful. Today was the last day for someone who has been here a decade. There was a big farewell party that was extremely conspicuous, though he left for a while and didn’t seem to be moved. The person they are asking to replace him (for no extra money) threw a public fit. I give her a few weeks, tops.

I decided back in June that I was done being underpaid. I signed a contract for 20% more money and 5 more vacation days. I want to drop the notice today but can’t, since the start date is so soon and I’m not done with background checks. Odds are they won’t get a proper notice. Part of me feels bad but they jerked me around in the beginning and I basically had to take the job to survive. That was in 2020 and times have changed. Once I go my department will be drastically slowed down and I wouldn’t take a counteroffer even if they made one.

The guy who heads this site is…not taking it seriously. He said God will work it out. They lose one more developer and new products grind to a stand still. They can’t hire new techs to save their lives. They are holding onto summer interns part time! And of course there’s the old chestnut of nobody wanting to work. Sure they do. They’re leaving for companies that pony up before you have a foot out the door! Maybe God’s plan is the invisible hand! Stupid.

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