
Ayn Rand…but reversed

I get great joy from the fact that the plot of Atlas Shrugged is that the “makers” aka rich people, decide to stop working and peace out of society. But the reality of today is that the little people are the ones quitting, and the bosses are the ones scrambling to maintain the status quo. You were wrong Ayn. Fuck you. Also I quit my job. No raise in 2.5 years and yet doubling my responsibilities? My boss is still telling clients I'm on vacation and trying to get me to “discuss further”. I'm a ghost and she can fuck off. I'm leaving the industry. I'm off to another planet. Look at me. I'm John Galt now.

I get great joy from the fact that the plot of Atlas Shrugged is that the “makers” aka rich people, decide to stop working and peace out of society. But the reality of today is that the little people are the ones quitting, and the bosses are the ones scrambling to maintain the status quo.

You were wrong Ayn. Fuck you.

Also I quit my job. No raise in 2.5 years and yet doubling my responsibilities? My boss is still telling clients I'm on vacation and trying to get me to “discuss further”. I'm a ghost and she can fuck off. I'm leaving the industry. I'm off to another planet.

Look at me. I'm John Galt now.

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