
General Manager gaslit coworker into thinking she wasn’t being harassed.

I work in a restaurant. There is a new server here (25F) and she said she was being harassed/sexually harassed by one of the bussers (63M). He went in an app that has all of our numbers, our schedules, etc. and got her number. He has been calling her everyday since he got her number off the app. Today, about an hour ago, the bus boy went up to her and said, “Why do you keep hanging up when I call?” And she said stop calling me I’m not going to answer. I saw this conversation go down, and he grabbed her arm and said “I am not going to clean your section tonight.” After this went down she was clearly upset. I told her I will go tell the managers for her, but she decided to come with me. When we got to the managers office, two managers sat…

I work in a restaurant. There is a new server here (25F) and she said she was being harassed/sexually harassed by one of the bussers (63M). He went in an app that has all of our numbers, our schedules, etc. and got her number. He has been calling her everyday since he got her number off the app. Today, about an hour ago, the bus boy went up to her and said, “Why do you keep hanging up when I call?” And she said stop calling me I’m not going to answer. I saw this conversation go down, and he grabbed her arm and said “I am not going to clean your section tonight.”
After this went down she was clearly upset. I told her I will go tell the managers for her, but she decided to come with me. When we got to the managers office, two managers sat in when she explained how uncomfortable she was, and showed them proof of him calling. They said they have to bring the General Manager in to discuss this, since he calls all the big shots.
When he came in, and she explained her peace, he basically said, “Him?? Nooo. The person that hardly speaks English?” He speaks broken English but understands us, and we understand him. He gaslit her into thinking she wasn’t being harassed. This has been happening all over, and I keep thinking about the girl that asked for help at Walgreens and didn’t get it. This is why women need to be protected. In the end, I think my manager doesn’t believe her when she said the bus boy grabbed her, even though I saw it. It’s pretty sad. Be careful with your co workers you never know what could happen. Stay safe.

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