
How to approach parents with my concerns?

My dad is an accountant and is pretty darn book smart. He is also in his late 60's and loved Regan and republicans. He voted for Trump but has since softened on his stances and isn't homophobic or any of that Trump Republican nonsense. He believes that I can still work my way to the top since I have a college degree and no debt. Granted I've been a drunk for a decade; but I held a job for almost all of it and paid for my rehab out of my own pocket. The issue I have is that I'm currently in the best job I've ever had money wise and freedom wise. However; my boss is adding more responsibility to me steadily. My dad has encouraged me to be the yes man and to keep going. I have and for 9 months now I've steadily increased my work. I…

My dad is an accountant and is pretty darn book smart. He is also in his late 60's and loved Regan and republicans. He voted for Trump but has since softened on his stances and isn't homophobic or any of that Trump Republican nonsense. He believes that I can still work my way to the top since I have a college degree and no debt. Granted I've been a drunk for a decade; but I held a job for almost all of it and paid for my rehab out of my own pocket.

The issue I have is that I'm currently in the best job I've ever had money wise and freedom wise. However; my boss is adding more responsibility to me steadily. My dad has encouraged me to be the yes man and to keep going. I have and for 9 months now I've steadily increased my work. I have now worked two 60 hour weeks in a row, worked Christmas Eve, the day after Christmas (Sunday), and New Years eve. I am a salaried worker at 60k per year with no health, 401k, or paid time off. I do not have employees, I have contractors. If one of them fails to complete their tasks it is me that ends up picking it up.

I try to explain these as problems but everyone I mention them to just says that is life. I can and will continue for the time being. But in my city I have no chance of buying a home at the moment and I'm about to be priced out of my rental since 2014. I know times are tough and I have it relatively easy. But I still feel like they had it better and I have resentment for that.

Anyone have advice?

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