
Am I supposed to lie about my disability?

The last few months I've been trying to get a new job but have run into problems every single time. I see tons of posts of places hiring, and apply to several a day, and I don't get any call backs. I'm not sure what it could be because I'm qualified, or overqualified for the positions I'm applying for. The only difference between me applying to these jobs in the past and receiving them (I've never had a hard time finding work) and now, is that I mark the disability section on the job applications. I haven't gotten a single follow up from those. I thought that may be the case so I stopped marking it and started getting calls for interviews. However even with those interviews I had to disclose my health issue, basically I need a lot of breaks to use the restroom and can't really tell how…

The last few months I've been trying to get a new job but have run into problems every single time. I see tons of posts of places hiring, and apply to several a day, and I don't get any call backs. I'm not sure what it could be because I'm qualified, or overqualified for the positions I'm applying for. The only difference between me applying to these jobs in the past and receiving them (I've never had a hard time finding work) and now, is that I mark the disability section on the job applications. I haven't gotten a single follow up from those. I thought that may be the case so I stopped marking it and started getting calls for interviews. However even with those interviews I had to disclose my health issue, basically I need a lot of breaks to use the restroom and can't really tell how long they will be, in the most appropriate way because it would be very apparent once I started work. I've even had to use the restroom during an interview lol. Sorry TMI. Anyway, none of those interviews ever called back even though all went super well. (With the exception of the one I had to excuse myself from, but even that went great except for that issue.)

So either I've gotten a lot less efficient at interviewing in this new market, or something may be up.

So the reason for my post is I'm asking for advice from others who may be in the same position and how they conquered this part of the working world lol? I'm not sure what to do at this point but I'm getting desperate. I don't want to lie to get the job and then get fired on the first day for “excessive breaks” or something wild like that.

This whole process is very embarrassing and I tried to make a throwaway account just to post it to Internet strangers, dealing with it to a bunch of potential employers is the worst lol.

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