
Why your ideology doesn’t work

For context I am NOT a Republican. Personally I identify as libertarian, I want Al people to be able to live their best lives as they see fit. If you don’t want to work and be homeless on the street that is totally 100% your business as an individual. But it doesn’t work as a society for one simple reason: things don’t just appear When you go to the store and buy a box of cereal, the box of cereal didn’t just appear there. People had to work to make the box, the printing on the box, had to grow the grain used to make it, had to transport it, the grocery clerk who stocked it and the cashier who rung you up. When you want that box of cereal for free, you are saying you want all of the people involved in the process of getting that box of…

For context I am NOT a Republican. Personally I identify as libertarian, I want Al people to be able to live their best lives as they see fit. If you don’t want to work and be homeless on the street that is totally 100% your business as an individual. But it doesn’t work as a society for one simple reason: things don’t just appear

When you go to the store and buy a box of cereal, the box of cereal didn’t just appear there. People had to work to make the box, the printing on the box, had to grow the grain used to make it, had to transport it, the grocery clerk who stocked it and the cashier who rung you up. When you want that box of cereal for free, you are saying you want all of the people involved in the process of getting that box of cereal to the store shelf to work for free. If those people don’t work, the cereal isn’t on the shelf. If they don’t get paid, they don’t work. This goes for literally any good or service anywhere in society.

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