
Looking up for ideas on how to escape the 9-5

Hey guys, I hope this is the right subreddit for this thread. I'm looking for ideas to minimize my time that will be stolen by some corporation so i can do something 'adventurous', serving a cause, etc. I am asking you guys about what u think and what u suggest as a solution, I already made an engagement to reduce my spending on extra stuff so as to be pretty minimalist, to not support the big machine, and to pay less taxes. Excuse for my English! Not a native

Hey guys, I hope this is the right subreddit for this thread.

I'm looking for ideas to minimize my time that will be stolen by some corporation so i can do something 'adventurous', serving a cause, etc. I am asking you guys about what u think and what u suggest as a solution, I already made an engagement to reduce my spending on extra stuff so as to be pretty minimalist, to not support the big machine, and to pay less taxes. Excuse for my English! Not a native

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