
On stupidity and how it ruins every level of your life.

The definition of stupidity by Cipolla corolates directly with the utopia syndrom. This can be applied on so many situations, parties and societies that we shouldn´t even start to bring them up. Wanting more then actually is achievable on a realistic level is the pitfall of everything where humans are involved and can only be fueld what is called stupid people by Cipollas definition. Inflicting harm on others and gain nothing by it without being able to comprehend the stupidity of one self. I could bring Bonhoeffers definition into play too but it´s way darker as he wrote it in GESTAPO prison before getting murdered by the nazis. You will find that you are surrounded by many on the left side of the matrix with bandits in the lead with a ton of utopia syndrom thrown into the mix. Best example would be, a person at the age of 38…

The definition of stupidity by Cipolla corolates directly with the utopia syndrom. This can be applied on so many situations, parties and societies that we shouldn´t even start to bring them up. Wanting more then actually is achievable on a realistic level is the pitfall of everything where humans are involved and can only be fueld what is called stupid people by Cipollas definition. Inflicting harm on others and gain nothing by it without being able to comprehend the stupidity of one self. I could bring Bonhoeffers definition into play too but it´s way darker as he wrote it in GESTAPO prison before getting murdered by the nazis.

You will find that you are surrounded by many on the left side of the matrix with bandits in the lead with a ton of utopia syndrom thrown into the mix. Best example would be, a person at the age of 38 proclaiming it will become a fullfledged astronaut. It´s just not possible. Astronauts are the best of the best of the best that train 10-15 years to become the best without assuarnce the will actually do it.

Try to spot these behaviour at your work without emotions. Maybe you get a shocking revelation about yourself too. It changed many of my personal actions, choice of social circles and choice of work.

Further reads:

Cipollas laws of stupidity,-This%20section%20has&text=These%20are%20Cipolla's%20five%20fundamental,other%20characteristic%20of%20that%20person)

Bonhoeffers theory of stupidity

Cipollas definition of stupidity

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