
is an employer allowed to fire you without telling you why?

i live in GA, which to my knowledge is a “right to work”(?) “at-will” state, so i know they can just make up whatever reason they want, but my former boss would not give me a solid reason why i was terminated the other day i had already put in my 2 weeks (regretfully) last week, and my final working day was supposed to be the 17th. then out of nowhere, this thursday, on my day off, i got a call from him saying (paraphrasing) “i see your two weeks notice here, we've decided to go ahead and have that effective immediately. as a show of face(?) we'll still pay you for the hours you were scheduled for the rest of the week, so sunday's* hours will be on your final paycheck” *i was also scheduled for today 2-10, but apparently since it was written on the schedule and not…

i live in GA, which to my knowledge is a “right to work”(?) “at-will” state, so i know they can just make up whatever reason they want, but my former boss would not give me a solid reason why i was terminated the other day

i had already put in my 2 weeks (regretfully) last week, and my final working day was supposed to be the 17th. then out of nowhere, this thursday, on my day off, i got a call from him saying (paraphrasing) “i see your two weeks notice here, we've decided to go ahead and have that effective immediately. as a show of face(?) we'll still pay you for the hours you were scheduled for the rest of the week, so sunday's* hours will be on your final paycheck”

*i was also scheduled for today 2-10, but apparently since it was written on the schedule and not printed, those dont count, but whatever. fine. i have another job lined up already so fuck this place

he apparently wasnt planning on telling anyone else and hoping i would just go quietly. but when i went to the store in person to show him that i was scheduled for today, the assistant manager was there and she didnt know anything about me being fired. neither did the junior manager on the clock. when i continued to ask him why i was terminated, he just said “thats whats been decided to happen”

boss man already hated me, so i definitely have a few hunches as to the real reasons, even if officially he doesnt want to give one:

  • he knew that all of the employees talk about how much we make, and one of the new hires snitched on me when i asked him how much he made

  • one of the other new hires, a different junior manager, took the position i had been wanting for over a year now. i told her that, but specifically said i had no hard feelings against her and that my beef was with boss man. so i assume she snitched too

  • im trans and this guy is phobic as fuck

so i definitely have an idea why i was fired, but im curious if its legal to just not give a reason for termination. since this job is currently the only one on my resume, its likely other places will call them as a reference, and its a 2/5 chance that one of the managers that liked me picks up the phone

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